Weekend Stories

Drove up to Berkeley over the weekend to see my little cousin graduate. The first of my four little sisters (cousins really, but we’re that close). In all her four years there I’ve never had the opportunity to visit. Berkeley was just the cutest little city. The architecture reminded me a lot of my time in London, mind you I live in a beach city in Southern California, so any time I get the chance to be in a kind of you walk every where kind of town, I get really excited. UNFORTUNATELY, I took majority of the pictures on my snap chat and was pretty much plastered by the end of the day on Saturday (our first day there) that I forgot to save my story and thus my pictures were never saved..except for a few.


Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

Had some really great Thai Food, at this cute little Thai Restaurant (that I of course forgot the name).

We then walked it off with a quick tour of the campus.


Here’s a cheesy little collage that I made in honor of her day. It just so happened that when I went on my time hop..she graduated 4 years ago on the same day she had her third graduation. So I felt the need to include that little bit.

And then here’s the five of us..for some reason the fact that our faces were all cut off made this picture cute? Granted, I would’ve wanted a candid one but this will do..(I’m on the furthest left).

Finally here’s me enjoying Thai Coffee, and a shot of the menu at Philz Coffee. Coffee not from said coffee shop. I just wanted to point out how much I enjoyed both coffees and would love to have more of Philz..unfortunately we only have one here in SoCal.

Overall, it was a great trip. I always enjoy seeing my lovely family and driving up to Northern California.

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